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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Download Crack/Keygen Dreamweaver Cs5

Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5 is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for the desktop, smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Dreamweaver is one of the most popular tools for developers.  It provides a range of functionalities and supports almost every technology that is in use today over the web.  I came across this wonderfull keygen that can help you activate your trial version of Dreamweaver CS5 to full version . There are some steps and precautions that you will have to follow while using this keygen .
  1. Download a trial version of Dreamweaver CS5 from Adobe website.
  2. Then install the trial version of the software. The trial version is of 30 days. 
  3. Now extract the rar keygen folder and execute the keygen .
  4. A key will be generated , copy the key and paste it in the activation region in Dreamweaver CS5 .
  5. Your version will be full now.
If the key gets blocked then again follow the same steps to activate a new key and keep enjoying the full version.

Download Keygen Here.

Best Regard,
Bayu Prawira

Saturday, September 8, 2012

How to Add Facebook Like Box on Blogger?

What is a Facebook Page?
Pages are for businesses, organizations and brands to share their stories and connect with people. Like timelines, you can customize Pages by adding apps, posting stories, hosting events and more. Engage and grow your audience by posting regularly. People who like your Page will get updates in their news feeds. Read more.

On this post I will share about "How to Add Facebook Like Box plugin on Blogger", so it is an effective way to ensure you keep in touch with your blog visitors on the world’s favorite social network.
Ok, let's follow the easy step.

First, make sure you already have or create Facebook fans page.
for example just use my facebook fans page, .

1.  Click here to get started.
2.   Then put your url fans page on "Facebook Page URL" input form.

     Setting your Like box as you want by change the width, height, color schema and ect.
3.  Click on Get Code when done with the configuration.
4.  In your like box plugin code window, please select iframe tab, for get easy code to make it works.

5.  Copy all code for your like box.
6.  Login to your blogger account, then choose layout.
7.  Select Add a Gadget (HTML/Javascript) on the location you wish the facebook like box to appear.

8.  Paste your code and Save.

9.  View your blog and the Widget should appear at the very spot.

We have finished !!, wish your blog look more beauty :)
If you have suggest or any questions, just write your comment below.
Good luck !

Best Regard,
Bayu Prawira

Highlight Code/Scripts in Post Article

Someday, I confused when I tried to make some code tutorial in my post. I have made some code tutorial in my post but it didn't look nice when I displayed. On the other side when I have browsed and looked for the others blogs, They have made like highlight for their code tutorial.How have they make it?

I had googling for it and I got some tips to solve it.

You can use a simple way by put some css code to your template
  • Login to your blogspot account
  • Choose "Template" on your menu
  • On template page choose "Edit HTML"
  • push ctrl + f on your keyboard for search this code "]]></b:skin>"
  • Copy paste code below before "]]></b:skin>" code.

/* interface code */
.code{margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px;
line-height: 1.6em;color: #000000;
background: #e0ffff;
border: 1px solid #000000;
border-style: dashed }

  • Ok, already done. You can save your template now.
  • For using this css, you can use <p> element for example
           <p class="code">{your script here}</p>

The result will display like the image below :

Ok, that's all,
If you have suggest or some questions, just write on comment form below,
Hope it helpful for all and good luck,

Best Regard,
Bayu Prawira

Friday, September 7, 2012

Easy Install Trac with VisualSvn Server on Windows 7

Hi Haloo, ,
On this post we will talk about "Trac Installation",
Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Read more about Trac here.

Ok, now I will explain step by step of Trac installation.
1. Install VisualSVN Server 2.1 using default settings, or download software here.
2. Make sure your machine already installed Tortoise SVN, download software here .
3. Download Trac for VisualSVN Server here
    Unzip it to C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server directory.
    Then reboot system.
4. Create folder C:\Trac and allow "Full control" access.
5. Open VisualSVN Server Software, create new user
    username : bayu
    password : bayu

6. Create new Repository. Right click on Repositories folder -> Create New Repository
    (remember to give checked on create default structure)

7. Take look on Your Repositories of your VisualSVN Server.

 8. Then follow some steps below.
     -  Right click on your project repository -> Properties -> Add -> Add your user -> Ok

 - Copy trunk url of your repository

- Checkout your repository trunk by tortoise svn (Please take look on image below)

9. Then try to look on your repository root, D:\Repositories\projecttest (trunk folder will checked green).
10. Make new folder inside trunk folder, D:\Repositories\projecttest\trunk\project. and add the folder by tortoise svn.

11. Add system variable for your system
      Control Panel -> system and security ->system -> advanced system settings -> Environment variable -> New

     PythonHome = C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\Trac\python

12.  Open command prompt and goto C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\trac directory

13. Input you project details     
  1. Project Name set to projecttest
  2. Database connection string, hit Enter for default
  3. Repository type, hit Enter for default of svn
  4. Path to respository, D:/Repositories/projecttest

For the success result will give you "Congratulations!" text.

 14. Add the following text to file C:\Program Files\VisualSVN Server\conf\httpd-custom.conf

LoadModule python_module "trac/python/mod_python_so.pyd"
LoadModule authz_user_module bin/
<Location /trac>
  SetHandler mod_python
  PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
  PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
  PythonOption TracEnvParentDir C:\Trac
  PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac

  AuthName "Trac"
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicProvider file
  AuthUserFile "D:/Repositories/htpasswd"

  Require valid-user

15. Open your lovely browser and try to access http://localhost/trac or https://localhost/trac (if you are using secure connection) in a browser, enter username and password.

16. If you still have problem or can not access http://localhost/trac, change the port of visualSVN server.
      Open your visualSVN server -> open the properties dialog box for the current selection -> network tab -> change the port to 8000.

- Restart your VisualSVN Server (menu bar "Action" -> Restart), then look for your server url and port

on mine is https://admin-PC:8000/svn/  but try to open this page https://admin-PC:8000/trac/projecttest

Ok, finished all. Now you can manage your project management.
Hope it helpful for all, but if you still have questions just write your comment below

Best regard from Bali,
Bayu Prawira