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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Table and Model Name - Cakephp

Hi everyone,

Long time I have no post something.
Today I will write something about "Table and Model Name in Cakephp".
As you know, in Cakephp we should write the name of table in plural.
I mean for example if you want make table with name "user" you should make it like "users" and "post" should be "posts".

So how to handle table names that are written in singular with "...y"?
hehe ... just so simple, I make an example with table name "entry" and it should be "entries". :D

But for Model name in cakephp you should write the name in singular.
you already have a table "entries", than in your app\models , you should make a new file for model. The name of the file is "entry.php" (in singular 'user.php, post.php').
And below is basic code for Model Name :

class Entry extends AppModel {
 var $name = 'Entry';

How about if we use underscore in our table names??
for example you have table name "categories_lists", how will we make the Model name?
I show you the simple way,
in your app\models, create a new file with name "categories_list.php".
write this code inside of the file :

class CategoriesList extends AppModel {
 var $name = 'CategoriesList';

Ok, that's all
if you have any question, just write your comment below :D
Thanks for your visit.

warm regard from bali :)